Each online order is considered valid from by completing and sending the relevant form. The user is responsible for the accuracy of the information they provide regarding their personal details as well as the delivery address.

In case of an error on the user's part, you must inform us immediately at no later than 2 hours after placing the order.

During the time the order is in "Processing" status, is committed to promptly notify the user of any issues that may arise.


For the convenience and service of all those wishing to purchase from our online store, offers the following alternative payment methods:

  • By charging your debit/credit card. The card will be charged on the day the shipping process for the products begins. has taken all necessary measures to ensure the security of your transactions via your debit/credit card, and all debit/credit card holders are subject to validity checks. It is important to provide a contact phone number and a valid email address. If your debit/credit card is not approved by your bank, the company reserves the right to cancel your order.
  • All payments made using a card are processed through the "Alpha e-commerce" electronic payment platform of Alpha Bank and use TLS 1.2 encryption with a 128-bit encryption protocol (Secure Sockets Layer-SSL). Encryption is a method of encoding information until it reaches its designated recipient, who will be able to decode it using the appropriate key.
  • By cash on delivery when you receive the products. In this case, the customer will incur a charge. The cash on delivery payment method does not apply to shipments outside Greece.


At the same time as the confirmation of your order, our company informs you of the delivery time of the products you have selected, which depends on the area you have chosen for the products to be shipped. The order will be dispatched by our company or by a carrier of our absolute choice during working days and hours (Monday – Friday, 09:00-17:00). Our company is not responsible for any delays due to force majeure or events beyond its control. By way of example and not limitation, our company is not responsible for causes of delivery delays due to customs delays, intermediate loading-unloading areas, strikes of transport means, or other types of strikes affecting the delivery of products to our warehouses by our suppliers, etc.

Our delivery time is from 2 to 4 working days and from 4 to 7 for accessories.

In case of any delays, our company will make every possible effort to contact you at the details you have provided, in order to inform you accordingly and to coordinate with you for the new delivery or the delivery of another product.


You have the right to return a defective product within 14 calendar days, stating the reason for its return. The returned product must be in its original condition, and you will not incur any return shipping costs.

If something does not appeal to you or does not fit, you have the right to request a replacement for the product at your own expense.

In the case of a non-defective product, refunds are not applicable.

To facilitate the return, the following must be met:

  • a. The product to be returned must be in the condition it was received, meaning it should be complete, undamaged, with packaging that normally accompanies the product, including all labels/tags, necessary documents, etc., and in any case, it must not have been used; and
  • b. The product to be returned must be accompanied by the relevant purchase documents (receipt & return slip).

Conversely, if the return/replacement is due to proven product defectiveness, you can replace it with a new product, and the shipping costs of the new product will be borne by the Company.

The Company is liable for compensation in the event of a lack of agreed properties or the presence of defects only if this has been caused by its fault. Any damage incurred by the product during its return to us is exclusively your responsibility.

To avoid your own inconvenience, we recommend that you carefully check the condition of the sold products and the integrity of their packaging and labels at the time of delivery of your order in order to identify any apparent defects.

Paragraph 5

5.The refund to the customer will be made using the same means by which the original payment was made. Specifically, in the case of charges made via credit card: if, prior to withdrawal and return of the item, the amount has been paid to the COMPANY by the Bank, the COMPANY will be obliged to inform the Bank of the cancellation of the transaction, and the bank will carry out any actions required based on the agreement it has made with the customer. After this notification, the company bears no responsibility for the timing and manner of executing the reversal, which is governed by the aforementioned agreement. The reversal process (full or partial) for credit card charges is done in the same way as the original charge. If the charge was made in one payment, the refund will also be in one payment, while if the charge was made in installments, the refund will also be made in installments. If you made your purchase by cash on delivery, please kindly fill in the third table 'Refund for cash on delivery'. Finally, for your better service, if you return an ordered product, we recommend sending an email to


The COMPANY reserves the right to use this information to send updates about new products or offers to customers or registered users of the online store. If at any time the User wishes to unsubscribe from the mailing list/email, they may do so by clicking or sending an email to request the deletion or modification of their personal information.

“I have read and accept the Terms and Conditions of purchase.” With this marking, the Customer explicitly and unequivocally declares that before submitting their order, they have received clear and understandable knowledge of the following information:

  • The main characteristics of the products or services they ordered, as described on the pages of the online store. The Customer must check each relevant characteristic before submitting their order, so there is no doubt about the characteristics and properties of the ordered products or services. The COMPANY bears no responsibility if the Customer fails to adequately inform themselves about the above.
  • The total price of the products or services in the order, including VAT, any other fees, and all additional shipping, delivery, or postal charges, as well as any other expenses. When these charges cannot reasonably be calculated in advance, the fact that such additional charges may apply is communicated to the Customer in the order text (order form), and the Customer must take notice before submitting the order. Additional charges or other expenses that were not disclosed to the Customer before submitting their order or in cases where they could not be calculated at the time of the order and were not disclosed to the Customer by phone before confirming receipt of the order will not be borne by the Customer without their prior explicit consent. Specifically, the prices of the products or services as listed in the online store are final (including the applicable VAT).
  • The aforementioned final prices of each product or service in the online store do not include shipping costs, which are calculated later in the order text based on the shipping method selected.
  • Products that are not suitable for return for reasons of health protection (e.g., headphones, hands-free, etc.) or for hygiene reasons, which have been unsealed after delivery, such as personal care items.

The Customer's Data is retained by the COMPANY for the period required to fulfill the sales contract with the Customer and in any case for a period not exceeding five years from the termination of this contract, as stipulated by law for the limitation of any claims and for clearing purposes. Tax documents and any required for auditing by supervisory authorities will be kept as specified by current legislation. Subsequently, they will be destroyed safely, provided that their retention is no longer required for the fulfillment of the aforementioned purpose or for covering the COMPANY’s operational, tax, or accounting requirements or for the protection of its rights before a Court or Authority. Access to Customer Data is granted only to the essential personnel of the COMPANY, who are bound by confidentiality and to the businesses collaborating with us, which process the Data as Processors on our behalf and in accordance with our instructions. For more information regarding the processing of your personal data and the exercise of your rights.

The protection of the Customer’s personal data is governed by the General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679/EU and generally the applicable national and European legislative and regulatory framework for the protection of personal data. For more information regarding the use of the Customer’s personal data.

What are Personal Data?

The term “personal data” refers to information about natural persons, such as name, postal address, email address, contact phone number, etc., which identifies or can identify your identity, hereinafter “Personal Data” or “Data”.

What is the Processing of Personal Data?

Every act or series of acts performed with or without the use of automated means, on personal data or sets of personal data, such as collection, registration, organization, structuring, storage, adaptation or alteration, retrieval, information retrieval, use, disclosure by transmission, dissemination or any other form of availability, combination or combination, restriction, erasure, or destruction.

Is it Mandatory to Provide Your Data?

Providing Data to the Company may be necessary to achieve the purposes defined in this Privacy Policy or may be optional.

The mandatory or optional nature of providing Data is indicated with an asterisk (*) next to the personal data of mandatory character.

If you refuse to provide the information marked as mandatory on the Websites, it will be impossible to achieve the primary purpose of collecting that specific Data, and it may, for example, make it impossible for the Company to fulfill the sales contract or provide the other services available on the Websites.

The provision of additional Data to the Company, beyond those marked as mandatory, is optional and does not affect the main purposes of data collection, but their provision serves to optimize the quality of the services provided.